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1.CSS Reset 2.IE6 CSS Bugs and Fixes Explained 3.Block and Inline Elements Explained 4.100% Height using CSS, Fixed Footer 5.CSS Rounded Corners 6.Float and Clear: A Comparison of CSS Clearing Techniques 1. CSS Reset - 크게 7가지로 정리해 볼 수 있을거 같습니다. 1. The CSS Reset 모든 엘레멘트에 margin값과 padding값을 초기화 시켜 줍니다. html, body, address, blockquote, div, dl, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ol, p, pre, table, ul, d..
1. AddyWaddy jQuery Tag Cloud 2. IndyArmy jQuery Awesome Cloud 3. Tag Clouds – Styling and Adding Sort Options 4. DynaCloud – dynamic tag cloud with jQuery 5. jQuery Rotating 3D Tag Cloud 6. jCloud Tag Cloud Plugin 7. jQCloud Word Clouds 8. Prataes jQuery Tag Cloud 9. jQuery Tag Cloud Plugin 10. TagCanvas – HTML5 Canvas Tag Cloud 참고 : http://www.websanova.com
각종 글자 애니메이션 jquery 소스모음 (http://www.giuliandrimba.com/labs/lettering-animate/) jquery 소스천국 사이트 (http://www.htmldrive.net)